Hello Indieweb Again

Julian Leyh

Julian Ruwen Leyh

Pronouns: he/him/his

Location: Bremen, Germany

Email me

Software Developer

I changed the setup for my website, again.

This time, I chose the static site generator Hugo.

For my previous attempt, I chose the CMS Grav, because I read that there were plugins and themes for making it compatible with the IndieWeb. After trying it out, I realized that some plugins worked, but others were outdated or never worked.

So I had to choose: Fix the broken plugins, write my own, or switch to something different.

I made a short list of pro and contra arguments, and came to the conclusion, that I should switch. The important points being:

  • I dislike PHP, so I won’t write or fix the PHP plugins.

  • I prefer using AsciiDoc over Markdown.

  • I want my content in files, not in a database - that was one of the reasons for Grav, too.

  • I want more customizability than the Grav plugins offer.

  • Hugo has a Docker image with AsciiDoc enabled.

Up to now, I have implemented the following:

  • Nice custom theme, loosely based on Indigo.

  • Social links in footer (with rel-me).

  • Using IndieAuth as Auth/Token endpoints.

  • Articles use h-entry.

  • Author details using an h-card.

What I still need to change in the theme:

What I need to otherwise implement:

  • Syndication links.

  • Micropub/Microsub.

  • Webmention.

  • Maybe my own Auth/Token provider?

But so far, I like Hugo and think I will stick with it.

Julian Leyh

Julian Ruwen Leyh

Pronouns: he/him/his

Location: Bremen, Germany

Email me

Software Developer